timestamp for chat messages
Music-player sometimes repeats a track for Listeners (not DJs)
DJ's remaining after they leave
Channels missing after creation
/sendToDiscord command triggers the bot's unknown command response
DJ Stack reloads when adding or removing a track
/lyrics often gets the wrong tracks lyrics
Inputting text into chat is laggy
Skipping a song after it starts playing (1-5 seconds) will queue up the song again
Bug using casino games with bot UP DJing
Preview should not get interrupted when navigating around, reconnecting, etc.
Icon for Exporting Room History function
Queue does not sync correctly without refreshing the page
Force sync when pressing sync button
search in chat not escapable after typing /
Stepping down during a song does not add it to history
Browsing to channel URL with slug for room that doesn't exist does not redirect to all channels
don't treat chat messages with .. or .... as URLs
Fix the preview so that when you hit pause it syncs back to the current track
You can bookmark a song multiple times
Skip track sometimes doesn't work
Favorite Track pending animation (pulsing) can get stuck
sometimes popular channels view doesn't load page 0
Play icon for preview track changes to pause for all of that track in the history
preview song sometimes starts at position of current song
preview song sometimes can't be canceled
/deleteusergreeting missing
Listener count is wildly inaccurate